Coffee me

Coffee me

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sorry I'm Not Sorry, Wheels

Name: Wheels
Species: F. catus
Nationality: She's either Russian or from the streets of Baltimore
Characteristics: Similar to those of a Stegosaurus - large, heavily built, quadruped. Wheels has a distinct and unusual posture, heavily rounded back, short forelimbs, and a ridge of clumped, matted hair along her spine that formed as a result of her inability to adequately clean herself. This dreadhawk is most likely the result of Wheels' appetite mirroring that of a Bullmastiff.

It's ok Wheels, this is not an uncommon thing:'t-Do-It-Himself

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Whole Snooze

Timestamp - 7:04 am
Location - Whole Foods parking lot
Getting to Whole Foods right when it opens to hit up the fresh breakfast bar is just slightly outweighed by getting there, leaning your seat back, and taking a car nap.
Although...maybe this is what happens when people on Ambien hit the snooze button. Wake up, sleepdrive to the destination, then snooze.